Greenville SMART Podcast

  • Episode 91: A Conversation on Stigma

    Naomi Fulton of Chestnut Health Systems and the Toni Randall of the Bond County Recovery Council discuss the issue of substance abuse stigma and the upcoming workshop they'll be hosting at the Greenville SMART Center on February 29th. If you'd like to have a workshop in your community contact Naomi at

  • Episode 90: Elizabeth Bays - Director of the GU Equestrian Program

    Elizabeth Bays shares her personal journey and how she joined Greenville University to start the new equestrian program.

  • Episode 89: The Bond County CEO Class of 2024

    Grace and Addison of the Bond County CEO 2023-24 Class sit down to talk about their experience and the big class business event on December 2.

  • Episode 88: The Greenville Women's Alliance

    In this episode of the Greenville SMART Podcast we get learn about a new or... renewed Greenville organization, the Greenville Women's Alliance. Joellen Vohlken joins Elaine to discuss the groups mission to find and fill needs in our community.

  • Episode 87: Nick Schubert - District Director for the Boy Scouts of America

    Tune in to learn more about the Boy Scouts of America. Nick Schubert talks to Elaine about the origins of scouting and where it is today.

  • Episode 86: The Bond County Farmers' Market with Rosie Baker

    Rosie Baker is our guest this week! Rosie is the force behind the successful "XOXO Greenville" Valentine vendor fair, owner of The Freckled Press and top banana of the Bond County Farmers' Market. Listen to learn about the super cute "Happy Beans" program and how Rosie does all that she does.

  • Episode 85: Rockin' Randy Alderman & the Bond County 4th Fest

    Randy Alderman and Elaine discuss rock stars, Greenville and how the Bond County 4th Fest came to be.

For Past Episodes